Size communication in domestic dog, Canis familiaris, growls
Size Communication in Dogs
A.M. Taylor, D. Reby, K. McComb
Size communication in domestic dog, Canis familiaris, growls
Animal Behaviour, Volume 79, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 205–210
In many species, body size is a key determinant of the outcome of
agonistic interactions, and receivers are expected to attend to size
cues when assessing competitors' signals. Several mammal vocalizations,
including domestic dog growls, encode reliable information about caller
body size in the dispersion of formant frequencies. To test whether
adult domestic dogs attend to formant dispersion when presented with the
growls of their conspecifics, we played recordings of resynthesized
growls where the size-related variation in formant frequency spacing was
manipulated independently of all other parameters. Subjects from three
different size groups (small, medium and large dogs) were presented with
playbacks of growls where formant frequencies had been rescaled to
correspond to a dog 30% smaller or 30% larger than themselves. While
large dogs systematically displayed more motivation to interact when
growls simulated a smaller intruder, small dogs did not respond
differentially to the playback conditions. However, the small dogs
responded significantly less than all other size groups to both playback
conditions. Our results suggest that domestic dogs are able to perceive
size-related information in growls, and more specifically that they are
able to adapt their behavioural response as a function of the perceived
intruder's size relative to their own.
Wait... So dogs do know size?